Title: 24 HOURS.
Ferrari 330P4. Second place.
LeMans 1967.
Size: Each the three panels are 122 x 41 cm.
One-off edition. PRICE POA.
Each of the three panels represents a different time during the 24 hour race. The left panel is 8pm. The centre panel is 2am and the right panel is 8am.The car is positioned as it’s exiting Arnarge Corner. Facing north. Hence the light on each of the cars. The left hand car is being hit by late evening sun and the right hand car is being lit from early morning sun. The car on the left is cleaner, the car on the right is filthy.
I’m also planning to create one-off editions of the 330P4 at other races. Only using one casting of the car for each edition. Please see future section for further information.